It is noble

Had you thought of writing, as a noble occupation? I know that when I read I find that escape, those moments of delight and forgetfulness. I appreciate the plotting, planning, writing, rewriting, editing and all the other hours of work that go into publishing a book. So thanks to all the hardworking, underpaid writers and authors out there for your nobility.

How can we as readers show our appreciation for the hard work of our favourite authors?

  • Purchase books through proper channels rather than from dodgy sites. Ensure your favourite authors are paid for their hard work.
  • Spread the word when you enjoy a book by any means you can. Talk about it. Word of mouth goes a long way toward increasing sales.
  • Buy books as gifts for people who might enjoy them.
  • If nothing else, give your favourite books five stars or write a book review where you purchase them, on Goodreads, your blog…
  • Share your delight on your favourite social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest…
  • Teach your children the joy of reading and an appreciation for this nobility.